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Monitoring System



The PROGNOST®-NT is the perfect solution for critical and uncritical machines. Customers who want to extend their MTBM by early failure detection rely on at least some of the PROGNOST®-NT software modules. The PROGNOST®-NT software modules can be customized depending on the customers monitoring strategy or/and depending on the failure history of the machine(s) of interest.


The analyses results of the different sensor signal-analyses combinations are accessible by the Visualization software “VISU”. The easy-to-use VISU gives full transparency regarding what happened inside the machine. Applied by the customer himself and/or PROGNOST Customer Support, it allows to get quick information but also an in-depth view to the analyses results.



PROGNOST®-SILver is the machinery protection system for reciprocating compressors and pumps which holds a SIL3 certificate by design (IEC61508:2010). The certificate includes all shutdown loops connected (max. 68). The intelligent combination of vibration, dynamic rod position, dynamic cylinder pressure and temperatures provides the most reliable shutdown capability for recips in the industry.

The PROGNOST invention of “segmented vibration analysis” and a unique algorithm ensure quick, reliable machine shutdown and a minimized risk for false alarms. PROGNOST®-SILver also includes sophisticated analyses to detect bearing, shaft and casing problems for any centrifugal machine.



PROGNOST®-Predictor is an automatic diagnostic system for pelletizers and their gearboxes. PROGNOST®-Predictor helps you to manage critical areas in your process. Whether your priority is to reduce off-quality production, increase efficiency, lengthen equipment life or reduce unscheduled downtime, this solution offers management tools and expert advice to help you to achieve your goals. Combining all of the PROGNOST®-Predictor capabilities results in optimal health of your machine and supports your Preventive Maintenance to Predictive Maintenance management.

PROGNOST®-Predictor has provided rapid return on investment especially in applications for the petrochemical, cement and paper industry, by providing insight into the root cause of production issues.




PROGNOST®-SenSim is a portable device for the simulation of sensor signals. It simulates static and dynamic signals for measuring loop test routines. The sensor simulation capabilities are:

  • Simulation of sensors with separate setting for static and dynamic signal components

  • Simulation of full sensor measuring range

  • Predefined sensor library including most commonly used Eddy Current and Acceleration / Velocity sensor types

  • Users conveniently apply values in units they regularly deal with (g’s, inch/sec, mil, bar etc). eliminating the need for complex electrical conversion into mV, mA etc.

  • 2ooX voting logic

The testing procedures can be carried out without taking off the sensors. This eliminates all associated risks, such as sensor
damage or recalibration issues.


Zungtech Co., Ltd

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Address: 10F, No. 4, Sec. 3, Min Chuan E. Road. Taipei 104477, Taiwan, R.O.C.


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